Blaðagreinar um endurreisn Listasafns Samúels Jónssonar.


Newspaper articles on Samuel Jonsson and the restoration project.


Veröffentlichte  Zeitungsartikel und andere Texte über das Samuel Jonsson-Projekt 

Directions: From Bíldudalur, a small fishing village  in Arnarfjörður, one finds a 20 km long gravel road leading to Selárdalur which is at the end of the road. On  your right you will see three buldings close to the shore where Samúel lived and worked, a place called Brautarholt. Opening time:  May to October, 24 ours all days

Félag um listasafn Samúels var stofnað 1998.

The Association of the Samúel Jónsson Art Museum was founded in 1998.

Der  Förderverein des Samúel Jónsson Kunstmuseums wurde 1998 gegründet.


Stjórn:   The board:   Der Vorstand: 


Ólafur Engilbertsson, manager - ( )

Kári Schram, Sólveig Ólafsdóttir,  Fjóla Eðvarðsdóttir,  Kristín Ólafsdóttir


Head of artwork restoration and administrator of Samúel´s website: Gerhard König   ( )


 Söfnunarreikningur..........Donate account........Spendenkonto :

Bank:           Islandsbanki

Our name:   Felag um listasafn Samuels


IBAN:           IS640512260044034403982949


Account number (for inner Icelandic transfers) :  512-26-4403 and  Kennitala :  440398-2949


Contact  :  (phone numbers and adress)

Title photo, 2006:  Lárus Sigurðsson